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Better understand your home loan features

A mortgage offset account might be one feature you consider important to have available on your home loan when you start comparing options.
Savrr Editorial Team
4 min read

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Have you considered what type of home loan features are most important to you?

What are some of the different types of home loan features?

Home loans come in a variety of different types with different features. There’s more than just the interest rate to consider, for instance. There’s also whether you might want a redraw facility or offset account, whether you can make extra repayments, a line of credit or a package discount, to name a few features. Let’s break these down further.

Looking for a new Home Loan?

Variable rate vs fixed rate home loans

You may be considering a loan with a fixed or variable interest rate. These can each come with various home loan features.

A variable rate home loan is a home loan where the interest rate may rise or fall with the market. These home loans often come with features such as allowing unlimited extra repayments, redraw or offset accounts which can help you pay off your home loan sooner.

A fixed rate home loan is a home loan where the interest rate will remain the same during a set period. Often this period is for the first two to five years of the home loan, though you may be able to fix an interest rate for shorter or longer terms. After this period the loan will revert back to a variable rate, unless you apply for another fixed term.

Would an offset account or redraw facility be important for you to have in a home loan?

Redraw facility

A redraw facility lets you redraw (or take out) money from your home loan that is made up of any extra repayments you’ve made in addition to your minimum weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayment. The surplus of extra repayments is what you can take out if you need it.

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What are some of the pros and cons of a redraw facility?


  • Pay off your loan faster — Redraw facilities may help you pay off your loan faster, (especially if you don’t make any withdrawals) because you are paying off extra chunks of the principal amount borrowed.
  • Flexibility — In the event of an emergency where you need additional funds, it can be beneficial to be able to access the extra repayments in your home loan.
  • Saving on interest — For some borrowers, a redraw facility can be an alternative to keeping cash in a savings account. For some, the interest saved from using the redraw may be higher than the interest earned on a traditional savings account.


  • Fees — Depending on your lender, there may be additional fees for using the redraw facility, such as redrawing funds. Be sure to chat with your lender about any fees associated with a redraw facility before you sign the dotted line.
  • Withdrawal limits — Some lenders may apply limits to how many times or how much you can withdraw. The less you withdraw will ultimately help you in the long run, as the less you withdraw from your redraw account, the quicker you will pay off the loan.

Can you make extra repayments?

A traditional principal and interest home loan will require you to make regular repayments to your lender to reduce the amount you owe. Some home loan products allow you to make extra repayments on top of these, meaning you pay off the home loan sooner.

This feature can be more common in variable rate home loans than fixed rate.

Paying fortnightly instead of monthly may also help reduce the amount of interest you pay over the life of the loan. That’s because there are only 12 months in the year, but there are 26 fortnights.

For example, if you were making monthly repayments of $2000, you’d be repaying $24,000 a year. But if you switched to fortnightly payments of $1000 (half your monthly payment) you’d be repaying $26,000 a year. This subsequently reduces the total interest payable over the life of the loan.

What is a package discount?

A home loan package is when a lender will offer a combination of financial products at a discounted interest rate or with reduced fees for each product.

A home loan package might include services like the following being all provided by the same lender under a package:

  • Bank accounts
  • Credit cards
  • Offset accounts
  • Share trading apps or access to share trading services
  • Home and contents insurance.
Make sure the home loans you’re comparing check all the boxes you need.
Click for info about Home Loans

Principal and interest or interest only?

Owner-occupier home loans are more commonly principal and interest loans. These home loans are made up of two parts: the principal amount is the amount you borrow and the interest rate is the amount the lender charges you for the benefit of loaning you the money.

However, there are interest-only loans available which allow the owner to only pay back the interest portion of the loan, while the principal remains the same for a set period of time.

Usually the interest-only period lasts between one and five years. After this period, you would begin to pay back the principal and interest portions of the loan unless you refinanced the loan.

Interest only loans are more common for investors looking to reduce their regular repayments. Always seek professional advice when investing and reviewing potential tax benefits, especially when claiming deductions on negatively geared properties.

The disadvantage of interest only is that the principal remains the same for the interest-only period. In other words, you're not reducing the amount you owe, while still paying interest.

What is loan portability?

Home loan portability is a feature that lets you stay with the same home loan product, but change the security, in this case a property.

The main advantage of loan portability is that it can save you the time it takes to refinance. However it’s important to understand this process can come with fees for your lender to reorganise the loan to include the new security
Loan portability is usually used for customers who are selling and buying a property at the same time as it allows you to keep your existing facilities like credit card and online banking accounts.

This feature is usually only beneficial if the timing of these transactions is aligned and may need to be approved by the lender.

How do offset accounts work?

A mortgage offset account is an account linked to your home loan (like another savings account).

Offset features are common in variable rate home loans and work like an everyday bank account. Some borrowers may choose to receive their salary into an offset account.

The money in this account is “offset” against the balance of your loan, meaning you only pay interest on the difference.

For example, on a home loan of $600,000, if you had $50,000 in a linked offset account, you would only have to pay interest on $550,000.

As the balance in your offset account rises, the amount you save on interest increases as well. This can save your money, and may reduce the life of the loan.

What does line of credit mean?

A line of credit on a home loan allows you to access some of the equity that has built up on a property. You can access this money up to a pre-approved credit limit.

Line of credit loans will charge interest on the amount that has been used, not the limit. For example, if you have a line of credit loan of $50,000, and withdraw $10,000, you would pay interest on $10,000, not $50,000.

If you’re in the market for a home loan, you might find it helpful to visit our home loan comparison guide for more information and to compare a range of home loan options

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Savrr.com is a trading name of Fair Comparison Pty Ltd. The 'compare' pages of this website are provided by Fair Comparison Pty Ltd (ABN 48 647 552 958, credit representative number 530417) as a credit representative of QED Credit Services Pty Ltd (Australian Credit Licence 387856) to compare a range of credit card, home loan, personal loan, and car loan products. Fair Comparison Pty Ltd may receive a fee if users click through, apply and/or successfully acquire a loan or credit card product from or through a product provider.
Fair Comparison provides information relating to credit products offered by banks and other credit providers. We are not providers of loan, credit, or any other financial products. While we aim to provide information about a variety of products, we do not provide information about all products or product features available to consumers - there may be alternative options available elsewhere. We do not recommend or assist you to apply for specific products. Should you choose to apply for a product which is listed, you will deal directly with the provider of the product or its broker/representative. We aim to provide useful and up to date information, but you should always carefully check product information with the product provider prior to applying for or taking out a credit product. If you are unsure, you should seek clarification from the product provider or independent financial advice.
Savrr.com is a trading name of Fair Comparison Ltd. The ‘compare’ pages of this website are provided by Fair Comparison Ltd to compare a range of online trading platforms and products. Fair Comparison Ltd may receive a fee if users click through, apply and/or successfully apply for an online trading account or product.
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